The Cost of Love:
Real love costs. There is a high price!
The kind of Love you are to minister requires the putting aside of what has been done to you, the refusing to value the hostility of others, and the putting aside of how you feel about it all.
There is a price. That price is Self.
Soldier, Loving others is about doing things that often don't feel sweet. Love is not a feeling. It is what we do and how we act. How we treat people completely apart from how they treat us.
Do you know someone who is against you and has actively tried to hurt you? Do something for that person. If he or she has need, meet that need. Stretch.
Maybe it will be anonymous, but does not need to be.
We are to be affirmatively available to the flow of supernatural Love that reaches out to woo others into an eternal relationship with Him.
Be available. When you get the idea, more than likely it is the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Tell Him you are available and will do what He wants to do through you.
And please tell Him aloud.