Moving On:
All of the richest lessons are the fruit of experience.
How easy it is to read or listen and be inspired. The heart leaps at the depth of truth. The impact is so deep that there is prayer about it, and hopefully there is prayer to be changed in that area. Or prayer to see or to understand.
Then, the test begins. For many, the test is such that it has to be moaned and groaned about constantly. There is huffing and snorting and pawing the ground because it has not been resolved yet. Or perhaps there is withdrawal and a constant pity party.
There is no such thing as spiritual riches being ours just be being inspired by hearing about them or seeing an example.
We must be changed.
And we must pray to be changed.
Change comes through testing and Obedience.
We must learn to praise and trust Him in the midst of the thing that seems unfair or otherwise grievous.
No test, no power.
The pursuit of a walk by faith is a frontier. You are not like anyone else, and you are being tested in ways that seem out of the boundaries.
He is still the same. He is giving you what leads to Treasure when you tell Him you will trust Him and will move on. It doesn't mean you have to like the situation or that you have to feel light-hearted. It does mean that you put your money where your mouth is.
Either it is all true or none of it is true.
Agree with God.
Tell Him today. Aloud.
Then, look up and move on!