Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     You must read the Bible.
     It sounds simplistic, but it is amazing how many believers do not read the Word.
All the knowledge and experience in the world does not eliminate the need to read.
     Soldier of the Cross, the One whose name is The Word, speaks in Freshness out
of the pages of the Book. 
     So many consider themselves too busy.
     How can the fire of prayer burn without the fuel of God's Word?  The vision is
not from all the things the mind takes in - the vision comes from His Loveliness and
is the Light for the next step.
     Because this is such a sloppy point in the lives of so many, there is the feeling of
barely surviving much of the time, even among those who are Christian workers.
     Take the time.
     Make the time.
     Read The Book!
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