Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Yes, the Lord reveals Himself to us. 
     Yes, we see answered prayer all around.
     Yes, He provides our needs.
     Yes, He cares about every hair and every breath.
     But Soldier, you must remember our reward is in Heaven.  Even though our 
citizenship in that glorious Place has already been established, we must not look for
reward here.
     It is our responsibility to obey, and He who can certainly be trusted will bring
heaven into our lives now in a custom-designed context . 
     Brothers and Sisters, we need to be more simple.  We need desperately to let go 
of all that would catch on the snags of every day life and allow him to propel us into 
His stunning and healing Life.
     There is far too much longing for good conditions and wound-licking in the Church
today, and it produces anemic whiners and music that focuses on how one feels 
about God, rather than  music that focuses on what He has said and the narrow Way.
     Are you weird?  Does the contemporary music in the church today make you itch?
When you meet someone who you know is a warrior of prayer, do you long to pray
with him?  Are you satisfied with His meeting your daily needs instead of having
tomorrow's provision today?
     If so, you have discovered the taste of our reward here.
     If not, recover the ground and take the other fork in the road.
View past Devotional.