Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Christian maturity means responding to the voice of the Lord.
     There are Christians who are taught what they may and may not do, what they may
and may not believe, and they are usually insecure, argumentative, and unloving.
     Those believers struggle and struggle to live according to what they have been 
taught, and they are walking pieces of straining flesh.  They try to do what they think
they ought, but they have no power, so when the ruptures occur, they are devastating.
     Because of Grace, we have been taught to ask the Lord to open the scriptures. We
recognize the anointing of God, because the anointing opens the ears of the listener
and it is supernatural.
     We search the scriptures prayerfully, and when we hear Him speaking through His
Own, we know His voice and another's we will not follow.
     When we live in response to the voice of God as revealed by the Holy Spirit, we
do not operate according to flat teaching, nor do we claim the limit of a list of musts.
     We may not depend on those who claim to know the most or those who have exotic
stories of spiritual experience.
      We go to the Word of God because He will speak to us, even about the smallest
     Soldier, don't loose perspective.
     He is leading you with His eyes and He is always communicating.
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