Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Teaching teenagers has been valuable to me.
     As my students have taken first place in international competitions, I have learned some things about the Lord. One is, Hallelujah that He does not compromise.
     When I get a new student, I must start at the beginning again. Fingerings must be corrected, careless habits pointed out, and intonation dullnesses must be painfully brought to sensitivity.
     If the student can survive the first few lessons, he is guaranteed to be among the best in the world and he will also learn the freedom of playing music without being encumbered.
     Oh Soldier of the Cross! Please, please listen to me:
     He who loves us has a Plan so perfect that the human mind can not contain it. The key is obedience.
     And we live one minute at a time. Right now, you must choose the Biblical attitude for the next minute and then you must live it out. After that, the next minute, and then you must live out that minute.
     That is how our lives must be lived.
     No other way.
     He who holds the stars in place knows what He is doing!


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