Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     There are some things we are not supposed to evaluate.  
    For example, a preacher of the Word is headed for serious trouble if he determines how he has done by the immediate result.
     "Did I feel in control?"
     "Were the responses appropriate?"
     "Did they think I did a good job?"
     These are all tests that fail with time, and the Lord does not measure anything by these standards.
     It is much better to say and do the right thing as much as we are able and then commit it to the Lord. Whether we know it or not, we want the sense of accomplishment for having brought about the ""increase", but the Bible says that "He giveth the increase."
     Personal evangelism has the same pitfalls.
     I have read numerous stories of men and women who spurned the gospel and scoffed at the believer who shared with them. All of them were later saved and were deeply grateful the rescuers did not give up.
     I am so grateful that my harsh rejections and expressions of revulsion did not stop God's anointed from loving me into salvation.
     The Cross? It means, among other things, I give up (in prayer) my need to feel successful!


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