Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     How much is enough? 
     How much forgiveness is enough?
     How much grace is enough?
     How much love is enough?
     How much giving is enough?
     How much service is enough?
     How much waiting is enough?

      In the kingdom of heaven, these things are without measure - yet the widow's mite was enough.
      It is a difficult thing for humans to learn that heaven measures these things in ways we cannot understand. A universe can be spoken into being, but years and years of all the above can come to - yes, not enough.
     We do not have the component to measure these things, so we have the Word of God, directing us away from our own standards and systems. We must yield, and allow the One who loves us so, to teach us His standard, which is so vastly removed from ours.

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