Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

       I am strongly convinced that when the Holy Spirit has a believer's heart, that believer can not listen to much music of the world.
     The Lord is ever teaching us to be aware that we are pilgrims and sojourners on this planet, and the music of the world is all without glory to the Lord.
     As a symphony musician all my life, I know there are certain pieces that the Lord has inspired and I appreciate them deeply. I am speaking of other music.
      Classical and popular music did not separate as we know them today until just before this century. Now, the music of the world is really the stuff that people listen to most of the time. It is unhealthy and expresses lostness, lust, and despair.
      We do not need to be afraid of these things, not should we campaign against them. It is a waste of time. but I do thing that our children should be shielded from as much of it as possible because music seeps down into the most inner place of a man and influences all parts.
       If children are taught the hymns of the faith and if they are sung at the dinner table and in the car, they will choose over the long haul the music inspired by the Holy spirit.
       But do not be passive.
       The music your children hear in your home is just as important as the language you do or don't use.
       Buy the time!
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